Revealed: THIS season is the best time of the year to lose weight!


To lose weight, we need to burn fat as well as burn more calories than we consume. No doubt, a fitness regime and a healthy diet regime help us achieve desired goals, but exercising in the right climatic condition can aid faster weight loss.
Summer is considered to be the best season for weight loss. This is because during winters, availability of comfort foods and cold climate might deviate us from our goals but summer foods and a happier weather help us stay energetic and get going all day long.
What experts say
According to studies, our average calorie intake decreases about 200 calories per day during summer when compared to winter and other seasons. Some other studies also show that in hot weather, we digest food slower and feel fuller for a long duration.
As the winter season is usually dark and dreary, it can make you depressed. This is also referred to as ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’, where due to dark weather, you might feel a little low. But summer is brighter and it helps you stay active throughout the season.
How can you aid faster weight loss in summer?
Here, we have mentioned a few effective ways that can help you lose weight in summer
Plan a vacation: Plan an active vacation. You don’t have to sit poolside to beat the heat but can plan a vacation which includes water sports. You can also go for surf camp or yoga retreat to burn fat and calories.
Healthy drinks: Instead of soda and other carbonated beverages, try home-made smoothies and health shakes. Add vegetables to your drinks and drink these healthy smoothies and shakes.
Hot weather suppresses appetite: Hot weather causes our body organs to function slower. This helps in suppressing appetite. We digest food slowly and feel full for longer.
Sweat burns fat: Sweating is our body’s way to keep us cool. It’s the heat that makes us sweat and in turn, increases energy and boosts metabolism. This helps in burning more calories.
Drinking water also helps: During summer, as you feel hot, you tend to drink more water. Drinking more water helps you stay fuller for a longer time.
Kill your sugar cravings with a natural sweetener: If you crave for sweets, eat fresh fruits. There are plenty of fruits available during summer. Eat these fruits as it is or you can add them to your home-made desserts. Add honey and garnish your desserts with fresh fruits.
Have a healthy breakfast: Before you go out, fuel your body. Eat a healthy breakfast and eat a protein loaded breakfast.
Go out for your health and wellness: Go out during the evening and early morning hours. Go for a walk and indulge in yoga sessions. As you are more likely to burn calories in summer, take advantage of that.
Healthy seasonal fruits and vegetables: Summer fruits and vegetables also provide different vitamins and minerals. Eating seasonal fruits keeps you healthy and energetic and you can indulge in fitness sessions more actively.


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