Doctor couple in Varanasi provides free delivery of girl children


A doctor couple in Varanasi is doing its best to change the public mindset with regard to the birth of a girl child. Their support for women’s empowerment starts with a celebration of the birth of a girl to providing an environment of dignity to all that women do.

A nursing home in Varanasi celebrates the birth of a girl child by waiving all fees and giving special care to mother and daughter. Dr. Shipra and her Husband Dr. Manoj Shrivastava are truly making Beti Bachao Beti Padhao a reality. The doctor couple has so far assisted 234 women giving birth to daughters and have become an important part of “Save the Girl campaign”.

The couple also runs a free OPD for poor patients on Saturday. They realized that something needed to be done, when they saw parents saddened at the brith of girls and rejoicing at the birth of boys. They also felt hurt when wellwishers taunted a  mother for giving birth to a girl. Dr Shipra and Dr Manoj then came up with the unique idea of free delivery when there was the birth of a daughter.

They didn’t stop there. The doctor couple is involved in education of the girl child and in women’s empowerment too. They train ladies in tailoring and embroidery, provide meals for elderly women and widows, school bags and books for school girls and also 10 kg of wheat and 5 kg rice to supplement the diets of poorer families so that their girl children can get proper food and education.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015 had warmly acknowledged the tremendous contribution of the doctor couple to his constituency Varanasi.


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